Become an active member of the community

Group-Based Activities and Community Participation.

We provide support for our participants to engage in community activities actively and expand the opportunities and social groups they can access. Social isolation is extremely damaging to a person's wellbeing, and we encourage our participants to make the most of the community around them. Contact us to find out how we can help you access the things you love most.

Support to Access Your Community

Open up new possibilities, make new friends and lead an independent life.

Support Self Worth and Confidence

People often struggle to find meaning in their lives if they aren't able to be part of a larger community. We support the wellbeing of our participants by helping them connect with their community and build friendships.

Find New Experiences

Everyone needs to push their horizons from time to time. We provide the support you need to visit new places, learn new skills and explore the community around you.

Connect With People Around You

There are plenty of people in the community who can become lifelong friends. We can help expand your social circles by supporting your access to local clubs, events, fitness groups and hobby classes, or just to meet up for coffee with an old friend.


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